Uniform & Lockers




At Mearns we encourage all pupils to have a blazer as part of their school uniform. All prefects are expected to wear a blazer and fittings for this are arranged by the school at the start of each academic year. All other students are able to order a blazer by visiting our suppliers website below.

To purchase a Mearns Academy branded blazer, you must register an account through the Stevensons website and then select Mearns Academy in the specific school uniform section. From here, the website will show you our Blazers and the different sizes to select. You can then complete your order and select whether the blazer should be delivered to home or to school.



We are now accepting applications for lockers and you can apply using the following link:  https://forms.office.com/r/jKGDHD6tJk. Once you have completed the application form please drop off £20 in an envelope with your name / tutor group on it at reception.


The costs associated with hiring a locker are as follows:

  • A £20 refundable deposit will be charged when hiring a locker at Mearns Academy.
  • If a pupil returns their key when they leave Mearns Academy the full £20 will be refunded.
  • If a pupil loses their key at any point a new key can be collected from the janitors office. This will result in £4.00 being deducted from the £20 deposit.
  • Each time a pupil loses their key a further £4.00 will be deducted from their deposit.
  • If a pupil damages the locker door or lock then £5.00 will be deducted from their deposit.
  • The remaining balance will be returned to the pupil when they leave Mearns Academy.  We only aim to cover our costs when hiring out lockers.
  • Pupils can keep their locker for anywhere between 1 and 6 years and the same rules listed above will apply.
  • Should a pupil no longer require the locker they can return the key to the janitors office at any point.
  • We do not have enough lockers for all pupils that attend Mearns Academy.  If there is more interest that there is available lockers we will allocate lockers in a fair and equitable fashion.


If you have any questions or queries please send them to mearns.aca@aberdeenshire.gov.uk