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Home Economics
Broad General Education
In S1-S3 learners will develop knowledge, skills and techniques required for food preparation through involvement in practical cookery activities. They will develop knowledge and understanding of safe and hygienic practices, their importance to health and wellbeing as well as the capabilities to apply these in everyday living.
Pupils will also gain an understanding of nutrition, dietary advice and dietary diseases and how lifestyle can influence health. This will provide pupils with the knowledge to make healthy choices and establish lifelong healthy eating habits.
Pupils will also take part in practical textile classes where they will design and manufacture a fabric product which will provide them with the skills to make minor repairs such as sewing on a button or stitching a hem.
Senior Phase
National 5:
In the Senior Phase we offer Hospitality: Practical Cookery up to National 5 level. This is a very demanding, mainly practical course and would be suitable for those interested in working in the catering industry in the future.
The course aims to develop a range of basic cookery skills and food preparation techniques as well as basic planning, organisational and time management skills, in hospitality-related contexts.
Pupils will gain an understanding of the importance of food safety and hygiene, using sustainable ingredients and current dietary advice relating to the use of ingredients. The course includes practical cookery lessons which will allow pupils to develop a range of practical food preparation skills and techniques using appropriate tools and equipment. It will also develop the organisational skills needed to research, plan, prepare and evaluate products and processes.
Unit assessment
The assessment of the Units in this Course will be as follows:
Cookery Skills, Techniques and Processes
In this Unit, learners will be required to provide evidence of their:
- Cookery skills, food preparation techniques and ability to follow cookery processes in the preparation of dishes.
- Ability to work safely and hygienically.
Understanding and Using Ingredients
In this Unit, learners will be required to provide evidence of their ability to:
- Apply their understanding of a range of ingredients.
- Select appropriate ingredients and use them in the preparation of dishes.
- Work safely and hygienically.
Organisational Skills for Cooking
In this Unit, learners will be required to provide evidence of their ability to:
- Plan a two-course meal.
- Follow recipes and implement a time plan to produce a two-course meal.
- Carry out an evaluation of the meal.
- Work safely and hygienically.
Course assessment structure
Component – practical activity
Total marks -100 marks
To gain the award of the Course, the learner must pass all of the Units as well as the Course assessment. Course assessment will provide the basis for grading attainment in the Course award.
Physical Education
Broad General Education
During the Junior Phase in PE, pupils learn to use a variety of skills through different sports. These are as follows…
Cognitive Skills:
- Cue recognition
- Multi-processing
- Prioritising
- Sequential thinking
- Problem solving
- Focus and concentration
- Decision making
- Creativity
Physical Components:
- Kinesthetic awareness
- Gross and fine motor skills
- Coordination and fluency
- Rhythm and timing
- Balance and control
Personal Qualities
- Motivation
- Communication
- Respect and tolerance
- Responsibility and leadership
- Determination and resilience
- Confidence and self-esteem
Physical Fitness
- Stamina
- Speed
- Flexibility
- Core stability and strength
National 5:
Within PE pupils build on their physical competences, improve aspects of their fitness and develop personal and interpersonal skills and attributes. We offer a variety of activities to achieve this and encourage enjoyment of physical activity by embedding the importance of lifelong health and wellbeing. Our core PE programme offers aesthetic and creative; adventurous; individual; indoor and outdoor experiences through different activities in line with CFE requirements.
Internal Units
In National 5 PE, pupils must pass two internally assessed units before being presented for the Course Assessment.
To achieve the Performance Skills Unit, pupils must demonstrate a broad and comprehensive range of complex movement and performance skills in two physical activities. It is the overall combination of a number of factors in the performance that provides the breadth and complexity of skill — including the difficulty of the skill, the performance situation, interlinking different skills into patterns, and the challenge provided by external factors such as competitors, conditions and choreography.
To achieve the Factors Impacting on Performance Unit, pupils must demonstrate their ability to analyse and evaluate factors that impact on performance in physical activities and evaluate the process of personal performance development, referring to a minimum of one physical activity.
Course Assessment:
The Course Assessment for National 5 PE has two main components and is graded A–D:
The performance is worth 60 marks out of the total of 100 marks. This is 60% of the overall marks for the Course assessment.
The performance has three Sections:
- Section 1- Planning and preparation (10 marks)
- Section 2- Single performance (40 marks)
- Section 3- Evaluation (10 marks)
The National 5 portfolio is completed in school over a period of time and will be sent away to be marked by the SQA. The portfolio is worth 40 marks and contributes 40% of the overall marks for the Course assessment.
Higher Physical Education
Internal Units
In Higher PE, pupils must pass two internally assessed units before being presented for the Course Assessment.
To achieve the Performance Skills Unit, pupils must demonstrate a broad and comprehensive range of complex movement and performance skills in two physical activities. It is the overall combination of a number of factors in the performance that provides the breadth and complexity of skill — including the difficulty of the skill, the performance situation, interlinking different skills into patterns, and the challenge provided by external factors such as competitors, conditions and choreography.
To achieve the Factors Impacting on Performance Unit, pupils must demonstrate their ability to analyse and evaluate factors that impact on performance in physical activities and evaluate the process of personal performance development, referring to a minimum of one physical activity.
Course Assessment
The Course Assessment for Higher PE has two main components and is graded A–D:
The performance is worth 60 marks out of the total of 100 marks. This is 60% of the overall marks for the Course assessment.
The performance has three Sections:
- Section 1- Planning and preparation (8 marks)
- Section 2- Single performance (40 marks)
- Section 3- Evaluation (12 marks)
SQA Exam
The Higher PE exam is within the SQA timetable of exams throughout May and June. The paper is worth 40marks and contributes 40% of the overall marks for the Course assessment.
Sports Leaders
Course Outline:
Sports Leadership is a combination of two courses that gain pupil’s dual accreditation. The Sports Leaders UK level 5 award earns SCQF points and the SQA Leadership award provides the students with SQA credits.
The Sports Leaders UK award is split into 8 separate units where students must learn to plan and deliver sessions as well as develop themselves as individual leaders.
The SQA Leadership award has 2 unit outcomes separated in 6 sub-categories. This course focus’ on developing a student’s knowledge on what a leader is and the role that a leader can play in developing skills and qualities in others. They then must go onto research and develop practical tasks and learn how to evaluate their potential as a leader.
Sports Leaders UK | SQA Leadership Award |
Units of Work:
Unit 1: Plan, lead and review a sport/ activity Unit 2: Developing leadership skills Unit 3: Lead activities that promote a healthy lifestyle Unit 4: Making activity sessions inclusive Unit 5: Positive role models in sport Unit 6: Organise and deliver and sports event or competition Unit 7: Pathways in sport and recreation Unit 8: Using leadership skills |
Units of Work- Research:
Task 1: Gather information about Leadership Task 2: Conclusions on what makes an effective leader. Task 3: Evaluate potential to be a leader
Units of Work- In Practice Task 1: Prepare to carry out an activity Task 2: Carry out the activity Task 3: Review your experiences |
Course Assessment:
Both courses are internally assessed and require students to develop both practical and theory skills in the area of leadership from both a planning and delivery viewpoint. Coursework is completed throughout the year in the form of a portfolio and this is marked by the tutor assessor for the course.
Students must also complete a number of leadership hours both inside and out-with school to achieve the required leadership hours for each course.
To pass the practical outcomes of the course students must undergo a final observation task where they will be assessed whilst delivering a session by an independent assessor who will then be able to sign off the practical units if successful.
Mearns Master Chef (HE)
Pupils from all year groups can enter this competition, they have to prepare a 2 course meal for two people for less than £10 and are judged by a panel of experts.
South Aberdeenshire Fit for Girls Event: Portlethen Academy
On Tuesday 29th November S1/3 pupils from Portlethen, Mackie and Mearns Academies came together to participate in a Fit For Girls Event hosted by Portlethen Academy. Fit for Girls is a joint initiative between sportscotland and Youth Sport Trust promoting physical activity amongst girls. The programme is funded by the Scottish Government with its main aim to bring about sustainable change in schools and build a positive future for girl’s participation in lifelong physical activity.
The girls participated in Basketball, Table Tennis and Sooyang-Do sessions which were aimed at engaging their interest in participating in sport and physical activity. This event built on the success of the event held at Mearns Academy in May and the programme will continue with Mackie Academy hosting a similar event in the future. A huge thank you must go to the school PE staff, Active School Coordinators, Panthers Basketball Club, Mrs McIver, Brian Robertson and Jenny Munro for supporting the event.
Christmas Dances
In PE pupils are taught social dancing and these skills are put to the test during our annual Christmas Dances which take place in December. These dances are held for each year group and are an enjoyable event for everyone.
Sports Day
Our annual sports day is held each year in the Aberdeen Sports Village and in a chance for pupils to represent their houses and compete in various sporting events ranging from javelin to sprinting!