Modern Languages

Broad General Education

At Mearns Academy S1 to S3 pupils will study French. Throughout this time various topics will be covered such as personal descriptions, health, eating out and school. Pupils will assess on understanding language and using language in a variety of ways to suit each topic from group role plays to traditional reading and listening assessments.


  • Throughout S1 students will learn the French alphabet, numbers, regular verbs past and present tense. They will also learn to write paragraphs and papers on their school, sport, their house, and will be part of a group project called the band project where in which they will create a bandmate using French descriptors.
  • Throughout S2, students will develop their skills towards describing animals, food and medicine. There may be a pen pal project. Second Years will be assessed on their speaking, reading and writing skills.
  • Throughout S3, students will further develop their skills.

Senior Phase

In the Mearns Academy Senior phase there are courses available in French and Spanish. Mearns Academy currently offers its senior students’ courses in N5 French and Spanish, Higher French and Spanish and Advanced Higher French.

National 5 French:

Throughout this course students will further develop their listening, talking, writing and reading skills. It has two mandatory units: Understanding Language and Using Language. Pupils will be assessed on four contexts: society, learning, employability and culture. The exam itself is made up of 5 components. 120 marks overall.

There are three question papers:

  • Reading – 30 marks
  • Writing – 20 marks
  • Listening – 20 marks

These are worth 60% of your overall grade.

  • A Writing Assignment- 20 marks, 15%
  • A Speaking Assessment- 30 marks, 25%

National 5 Spanish:

This is a crash course as it is not taught to pupils in years S1 – S3. Throughout this course students will develop their listening, talking, writing and reading skills. It has two mandatory units: Understanding Language and Using Language. Pupils will be assessed on four contexts: society, learning, employability and culture. The exam itself is made up of components. 120 marks overall.

There are three question papers –

  • Reading – 30 marks
  • Writing – 20 marks
  • Listening – 20 marks

These are worth 60% of your overall grade.

  • A Writing Assignment – 30 marks, 25%
  • A Speaking Assessment- 30 marks, 25%

Higher French:

Throughout this course pupils will progress their understanding of French towards more detailed and complex language, and further develop their reading, listening, writing and talking skills in the French language. The course contributes towards the development of literacy skills by providing learners with opportunities to read, listen, talk and write in French, and to on reflect how this relates to English. Pupils will be assessed on four contexts: Society, learning, employability and culture. The exam itself is made up of 5 components. 120 marks overall.

There are three question papers –

  • Reading- 30 marks,
  • Directed Writing – 20 marks
  • Listening- 20 marks

These are worth 60% of your overall grade.

  • A Writing Assignment- 20 marks, 15%
  • A Speaking Assessment- 30 marks, 25%

While entry to the course or units will be at the discretion of the principle teacher, pupils will normally be expected to have attained:

  • N5 at Grades A or B at French.
  • N5 at Grades A or B at English.

Higher Spanish:

Throughout this course pupils will progress their understanding of Spanish towards more detailed and complex language, and further develop their reading, listening, writing and talking skills in the Spanish language. The course contributes towards the development of literacy skills and provides learners with opportunities to read, listen, talk and write in Spanish, and to on how this relates to English. Pupils will be assessed on four contexts: Society, learning, employability and culture. The exam itself is made up of 5 components. 120 marks overall.

There are three question papers –

  • Reading – 30 marks
  • Directed Writing- 20 marks
  • Listening – 20 marks

These are worth 60% of your overall grade.

  • A writing Assignment – 20 marks, 15%
  • A Speaking Assessment – 30 marks, 25%

While entry to the course or units will be at the discretion of the principle teacher, pupils will normally be expected to have attained:

  • N5 at Grades A or B at Spanish and/or French
  • N5 at Grades A or B at English

Advanced Higher French:

This course will develop pupils towards an advanced level of reading, listening, writing and talking within the French language. As with all other Advanced Higher courses independence and competence within the subject will be developed. Pupils will be assessed on four contexts: Society, learning, employability and culture. The exam itself is made up of 4 components. 200 marks overall.

There a two question papers –

  • Reading and translation – 50 marks, 25%
  • Listening and Discursive Writing – 70 marks, 35%
  • A portfolio – Pupils must analyse and write an essay in English based on their research into either French media, literature or language in work. – 30 marks, 15%
  • A Talking Assessment – 50 marks, 25%

While entry to the course or units will be at the discretion of the principle teacher, pupils will normally be expected to have attained:

  • Grade A or B PASS at Higher French
  • Grade A or B PASS at Higher English

It should also be noted that this course will only run within the school if there is enough interest from students. However, Mearns faculty will offer support if students wish to do the Advanced Higher course online through YASS.