Author Archive: Jo Smith

Extra Curricular Activities

Have a look at this years Active Schools / Mearns Academy Extra Curricular Activities on offer – Active Schools  read more »


Sponsored Walk

Our sponsored walk takes place on the 15th September. Letters have been sent home for consent and sponsorship – Sponsored Walk Parent Letter  read more »


Mearns Academy School Dress Code

Mearns Academy School Dress Code

The start of our new school year provides an ideal opportunity to focus on our school uniform standards.  A new graphic has been designed to highlight exactly what our expectations on uniform are – Mearns Academy School Dress Code.  Uniform is a major part of our school identity and is always viewed positively... read more »


Summer break

Our final Mearns Update is available Mearns Update and also our Activities & Achievements booklet. We hope you have an enjoyable summer break and look forward to welcoming pupils back to school on Tues 22nd August.  read more »


Doric Film Festival

Our entry into the Doric Film Festival that won 2nd place – ‘dinna pit aff’ Mearns Academy | Secondary Schools DFF Entry 2023 – YouTube  read more »